Impact Faith

The Christian individuals and families to whom we’re referred have already made the decision to follow Christ. Setting out some time ago with an intangible decision to honor God, the results of your life’s work are now more tangible than you might have envisioned.

Faithful followers of Christ are destined to create impact – we’re called to be salt and light in the place and circumstance that God has put us. Our communities and our culture are the sum total of God’s ordained outcomes, created through faithful Impact Makers like you.

In the midst of all these achievements, there often remains one question. How can your faith be integrated into every aspect of your life, especially the all-important area of wealth? You find yourself asking the big question: How do I truly honor God with my time, talent and treasures? 

The Impact Culture™

Our planning model offers an opportunity to distill the core beliefs that underly your Christian faith. Together, if we can codify the giftings and callings that God had used to lead you here, we can apply them to the next big calling He has for your life.